What if. . .

Friday, September 11, 2009


I meant to write a very long post right now, but when I sat down to type, my muse deserted me. It's insisting that I work on a scene that should have been done months ago, and refuses to help with the nice long blog post I had planned. So, you'll end up with a shorter one and I"ll post the longer one when I get my muse back.

Writers are always able to think up an excuse not to write, in fact we're kinda famous for it. We should be making breakfast, getting the paper, feeding the cat, doing homework, mowing the lawn, searching for mushrooms, cleaning the house. . . the list goes on and on. It's any wonder we're able to write at all. But we manage, thankfully.

And, that's about all I've got, thank you for letting me waste a few minutes of your day.

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